Hi, my name is Barb Unruh. I can tell you 4 things about me; I love my Faith, my Family, our dog Sophie, and I love to paint. I also love to teach painting at Paint Parties.
Short version for today:
A little bit more about me... I love having color in my life! Acrylic painting has been wonderful medium to learn, and keeping learning.
Longer version for the day if I have peaked your interest.
I have always been interested in things that had to do with making something visual.
Drawing and painting early on have been a part of my journey.
When I was young, I was going to be a Fashion Designer. My Dolls were constant models for my creations. I was very intrigued by designs of formal dresses and how dresses with so much style and flair were made. And of course the beautiful fabrics.
Later on in life I jumped into quilting. PBS and HGTV how to shows had a lot of my attention.
Learning to write and illustrate children's picture books has been a passion of mine for many years as well. As you can see, this could go on and on.
All of this to say, I love to have color in my life!